Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Our meetup will be held at Calumet Photo Chicago Location in 1111 N. Cherry Ave, Chicago.  Huge thanks to Bill Skinner from Calumet for helping us out in such short notice!

We will have three main events next Friday. 6-7PM meet/greet, 7-8PM basic HDSLR knowledge discussion, and ending the evening with our guest from Australia, Mick Jones! We are very fortunate to have him at our meetup.

Please check his Vimeo (also his website, link on his Vimeo profile) to see his great work!

We would ask you to either donate $5 or bring food/snack/drink (no alcoholic beverages, please).  If you are brining something, please let me know what you are bringing by emailing me. —>

Please spread words out to fellow HDSLR users (or anyone who is interested in using HDSLR for video/film)!!!

And DO NOT forget to RSVP here so we have some idea how many people are attending!

Thank you!

Chicago HDSLR Group next meetup date/detail coming up very soon. sometime between 10.28-11.2. Again, confirmed date coming soon! Please share the news with everyone. Thanks!

Very first Electronic View Finder designed for HDSLR released from Redrock Micro.
Caleb Pike has a lot more info on his DSLR Video Shooter website.
Come read this very interesting product!

Canon EOS 60D quick review

Posted: September 23, 2010 in Uncategorized

I have posted a quick review video on the new Canon EOS 60D camera.

Here are the links to the Vimeo and Youtube.
Since there are so many other DSLR cameras and new video cameras, I think 60D gets a lot less than attention than it should, but I really like the feel of the camera and what this camera has to offer for its price.

Here is what I wrote on Vimeo:

“I ordered a new Canon 60D from in Utah.
I haven’t shot any with the camera yet, I am planning on using a lot for 2 weddings this weekend.
I will be surprised if you can tell the difference between 7D footage and 60D footage.
Swivel LCD is definitely the best feature of this camera.
The price is between 7D and T2i, but what this camera has to offer is a lot closer to 7D: having K-Temp WB, Battery info, and same battery as 7D and 5D. I am sure I will find out more about the camera, but as for the 1st impression, I would give 9 out of 10 for now.”


Here is the link to the test footage (really short one)

– JJ –

Facebook Fan Page Created!

Posted: September 22, 2010 in Uncategorized

After numerous back and forth emails to Facebook admin regarding naming our page, I finally gave up and made our page name “Chicago Hybrid-DSLR Group”.  Having Hybrid there is only for namesake.  Our official name is still “Chicago HDSLR Group”.

I have posted some photos from Philip Bloom Meetup in Navy Pier and Fado’s Irish Pub which was hosted by Posthouse Productions (Kim + Kevin) who are also proud members of our group.  Others are posting great photos there, so please make sure to check them out.

I have also received Canon EOS 60D this afternoon, and created a quick review video. I will upload later this evening, but I did post some photos there as well.

More talented people from Chicago and around the country is joining us at Facebook page.  Please spread words out, so we can meetup more regularly with more interesting subjects and fun!



Philip Bloom Chicago Meetup

Posted: August 29, 2010 in Uncategorized

Looks like it’s coming together.!/event.php?eid=152767974733287&ref=ts

The parking space for meetup

Posted: August 17, 2010 in Uncategorized

Hi, guys?

Here is the photo of the available parking spot around the location.

A big red dot is the building that Ben Mahoney Production is located.  Street with red marker is street parking with no meters.

Click on the image to enlarge

I will look around tomorrow afternoon to scope out more space if needed, but if you have any questions, please give me a call at my cell at 847-271-6425.

Thanks, all!

Hope to see you all there~



I just wanted to let you all know about the location that we are going to get together.

The address is 1147 W. Ohio Street, Chicago, IL.

Good friend of ours, Ben Mahoney Productions is going to provide his new studio space for us to mingle/network/chat and more.

They building has a sky deck where we can have a couple of drinks and hang out, and we will move to  downstairs to his studio space to have more discussion / Q&A session.

It will be most likely 6:00 – 7:30 PM to come in and hang out, and 7:30-9:00PM for discussion.

There are a couple of bars around the location, so we can go out for more food + drink.

I am working on a small agenda with more specific topic, parking space, etc for the evening (while I’m currently working on a lens comparison video edit), so please be patient, and stay tuned.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you so much!



Discover. Share. Learn. & Relax!” with us!

This is very exciting to announce.  We have set the date for the very 1st meetup in Chicago are for those of who use (or interested in using) DSLR cameras for filmmaking and video producing (or as a hobby!).  The date is August 18th, Wednesday.

Unfortunately, we have not yet set the location yet, and searching for one that can have 15-30 people comfortably occupied.  We would try to stay near the city instead of suburb area.  Any suggestion is appreciated.

The time is probably going to be 6-7:30PM  for networking, greeting and such, and 7:30PM to 8:30PM for discussing the future direction of group and Q&A session of any HDSLR related subjects.   In order for the meeting to go smoothly, either myself and Caleb will lead the discussion but absoutely open for any opinion and comments as we go.

This blog will have meetup info/updates, as well as any informational and helpful posts by one of us or other HDSLR experts around the world.

If you have any questions, comments or recommendations, please feel free to contact me at

Hope to see you all soon!
